Retreat Productions

Dance, Drama and Music Presentations

Featured Productions
Featured Productions
Here are several presentations that we recommend to watch at this time of year. Enjoy!…
Your Favorites
Your Favorites
Are you wondering what videos are the most watched? Here are your top five based on having the most views.…
Special Events
Special Events
These are seasonal productions throughout the year that were either a unique or special retreat event or honored another aspect of God’s great…
Sneak Peek Videos
Sneak Peek Videos
Here are some sample videos to explore from our theater archive. Sign in and support us to view all our presentation videos!…
Michaelmas Presentations
Michaelmas Presentations
Every year at the end of September, Questhaven holds a retreat in honor of Archangel Michael. This retreat celebrates and honors the Angel Kingdom and…
Christmas Presentations
Christmas Presentations
Christmas is a special time of year as Christ draws near. Enjoy these dances and presentations from the past that took place in honor of the birth of…
Easter Presentations
Easter Presentations
Easter is a time for rejoicing. The Lord has risen! Enjoy these performances that speak to the inner side of this joyous retreat.…
Summer Solstice Presentations
Summer Solstice Presentations
Summer Solstice Retreat marks the transition from spring to summer. It is a time to celebrate nature and the arts. Please enjoy these performances…
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Copyright ©1940-2025 The Christward Ministry
Questhaven Road, San Marcos, CA 92078
760.744.1500 | [email protected]

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