God Discovery

In Reverent Worship

The Mystery of God
The Mystery of God
How well do we know God? How truly deeply do we want to know our Divine Creator? It isn’t easy to understand God, because there are great mysteries…
Drawing Closer to God
Drawing Closer to God
We should desire God as a thirsty person longs for water. This desire should be kept unceasingly in the foreground of our consciousness. Until this…
Ways Into God’s Presence
Ways Into God’s Presence
Christians hear much about the use of silence, meditation and prayer. To some, these terms are of mixed understanding. Actually, each of these…
Approaching God in Worship
Approaching God in Worship
With all the distractions in the outer world, how needful it is for us to take time to worship and commune unbrokenly with the Presence of God. Our…
Deepening our Reverence
Deepening our Reverence
When reverence is sincere and deep, when it means something and does something to us, it rises like a geyser and gets through all the barriers that we…
Mountain of the Week
Mountain of the Week
With all of the busyness in life that demands our outer attention, isn’t it a wonderful idea to make sure we gift one day a week back to God? Giving…
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