Our Spiritual Vision and Practice

The Path of Christian Mysticism

The Living Christ
The Living Christ
Jesus of Nazareth, known as our Lord Emmanuel—God with us—is a living presence. He is the only begotten son. No one else from our humanity is…
Christian Mysticism
Christian Mysticism
Christian mysticism is a path of reverence and devotion that leads to God, the very aim and endeavor of every Christian heart. It teaches us how to…
The Mystery Teachings
The Mystery Teachings
We believe that there are many layers to Truth and every facet has meaning and value. Spiritual growth is like climbing a ladder of consciousness to…
The Way of Discipleship
The Way of Discipleship
In the disciplines we come to the heart of discipleship. Discipline in its truest sense means training that corrects, molds, strengthens, or perfects.…
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