The Psychology of Wholeness

Learning to Live as a Mystic

Lessons Overview
Lessons Overview
Welcome to Questhaven Academy’s lessons on Psychology of Wholeness. We are beginning to realize that for each of us to reach Godward and grow, we…
The Divided Self
The Divided Self
This is the first “free” class in a series of three introductory classes on Finding the Soul. There is within us a Higher and lower self. We are…
The Psychology of Wholeness
The Psychology of Wholeness
This is the second “free” class in a series of three on Finding the Soul. When we first catch sight of the Mountain of God it seems near at hand…
Finding the Soul
Finding the Soul
This is the third “free” class in a series of three on Finding the Soul. Realization of the Communion of Saints should form a part of every day's…
Understanding the Ego
Understanding the Ego
This is the first class in a series of three on the Ego. The transcendent theme of Christianity is selflessness and the entrenched adversary of this…
The Liabilities of the Ego
The Liabilities of the Ego
This is the second class in a series of three on the Ego. Defense mechanisms are the ego's elaborate unconscious system of avoiding threats to its…
Transforming the Ego
Transforming the Ego
This is the third class in a series of three on the Ego. There is often a lot of negative talk about the ego, but it is important to recognize that it…
The Shadow
The Shadow
The shadow is described as those aspects of the personality that we choose to reject and repress. For one reason or another, we all have parts of…
Motives and Projection
Motives and Projection
It is said that to accomplish anything in life there needs to be a motive for getting it done. Our motives drive us. The challenge is that some…
The Persona
The Persona
There is, in our relationships with others, an inclination to present ourselves in such a manner that puts us in the most favorable light, meeting…
Anima and Animus
Anima and Animus
What gender do you identify with? The anima/animus deals with the unconscious influence of the opposite gender to this identification. It is the part…
Dark Night of the Soul
Dark Night of the Soul
Each of us who has been called to a path of spiritual discipleship is fueled by a powerful inner desire to know God, and "find" our Soul, our Higher…
Meeting the Challenges of Life
Meeting the Challenges of Life
Throughout these lessons, we have covered many aspects of our human journey into self. Beyond the experiences explored in the Dark Night of the Soul…
Personality Types
Personality Types
This is the first class in a series of four on the Personality Types. In 1921, Carl Jung published a remarkable book entitled Psychological Types. He…
Research and the Four Functions (S, N and T, F)
Research and the Four Functions (S, N and T, F)
This is the second class in a series of four on the Personality Types. We have examined Jung’s four functions in terms of their face validity in the…
The Four Attitudes (E, I and J, P) and 16 Combinations
The Four Attitudes (E, I and J, P) and 16 Combinations
This is the third class in a series of four on the Personality Types. As we have looked at Jung’s theory of psychological types, with special…
The Dominant and Inferior Function
The Dominant and Inferior Function
This is the fourth class in a series of four on the Personality Types. Now that we are starting to get a sense of the uniqueness of each type, it is…
This is the first class in a series of two on Individuation. It is highly recommended to take the Personality Type lesson The Dominant and Inferior…
Individuation and Our Inferior Function
Individuation and Our Inferior Function
This is the second class in a series of two on Individuation. The next step in our individuation understanding is to look at the inferior quality of…
The Value of Dreams
The Value of Dreams
This is the first class in a series of three on Dreams. When we begin to realize God’s Presence within we have to turn to the world which is…
Analyzing Dreams
Analyzing Dreams
This is the second class in a series of three on Dreams. Let’s begin with the distinction that Freud and Jung drew in opposition to each other…
Dream Shadow Work
Dream Shadow Work
This is the third class in a series of three on Dreams. The challenge of interpreting dreams is one of recognizing in ourselves the play of…
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