
Opening Our Hearts to God

The Value of Creative Prayer
The Value of Creative Prayer
Prayer is simply communion with the Divine through positive attention and attunement. Its purpose is to express to the Highest one's feelings and…
Keys to Effective Prayer
Keys to Effective Prayer
Prayer is an artform that touches the wavelengths of God as a painter intuitively adds color to the canvas. …
Addressing God
Addressing God
The most important part of praying is for you to recognize Whom you address. When you approach the Presence of God, you want to look up inwardly to…
Types of Prayer
Types of Prayer
Prayer is one of your best opportunities to commune with God and is the most important aspect of consciousness. Anything that is a need is a…
Prayers for Personal Needs
Prayers for Personal Needs
This page offers prayers by Flower A. Newhouse for a variety of needs. They provide an excellent beginning point for us in our own prayer work. Flower…
Prayers of Healing
Prayers of Healing
Because of the perishability of the human vehicle, every Christian should be interested in healing whether the healing is spiritual or in combination…
Novena Instructions
Novena Instructions
A NOVENA is an excellent spiritual means of praying, fasting, and meditating, for nine consecutive days or weeks, towards a single objective. …
World Prayer
World Prayer
Prayer and meditation touch upon the inner side of our world. All help we give our country and world should start with daily creative prayer for the…
An archetype is a distinct thought form, or blueprint, with a recognizable image to it. When we think clearly about a plan or an object of desire, our…
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