Take Inner Communion
This blessed Cup is fabled to have been the vessel used by the Lord Jesus at the Last Supper. It was also believed to have been the Cup which Joseph of Arimathea used to hold the blood issuing forth from the pierced side and feet of Jesus.
This holy Chalice symbolizes the spiritual life of the Christed Lord - the life essence which is inwardly extended throughout the world by those who partake of true inner communion with Him.
Reverend Flower A. Newhouse The Christward WayThe legend of the Holy Grail symbolizes our need to strive for purity of consciousness. Does this not fittingly disclose the basic quality to our necessary exemplification of Christ living? Purity of consciousness does not indicate a lack of worldly knowledge. Rather, it calls us to aim one-pointedly within our minds toward the elimination of nonessential and dishonorable thoughts in order that the clear reflected Light of the Christ Spirit may shine through.
Let us know transformation through the Light of the ChristThat we might lift up the chalice of our mind and stand before our God to be refilled, recharged, purified, and transformed by the living spiritual magnet from the person of the Christ.
Reverend Flower A. Newhouse Lenten Insights into the Mystery of the Holy Grail The Prayer of a ChaliceCopyright ©1940-2025 The Christward Ministry
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