The Realm of Earth

Sponsoring everything that grows

Earth Realm: Frakins
Earth Realm: Frakins
An order known as the Frakins (FRAH kins) is the youngest and smallest being dealing with the etheric body of earth. Their etheric bodies range in…
Earth Realm: Elves, Gnomes and Brownies
Earth Realm: Elves, Gnomes and Brownies
Beings of the next unfoldment of intelligence are called Elves. Larger than Frakins, growing from 15 to 24 inches tall, they are entrusted with the…
Oreads and Tree Devas
Oreads and Tree Devas
Above the gnomes are the Oreads (OR ee adds), intelligences trained to advance the lives of all large forms of vegetable life. Next come the Tree…
Above the Tree Devas in the angelic Hierarchy are Angels serving all of nature who are called the Allrays, also referred to as the Angels of the…
Still higher than the Allrays is an order of Master Devas known as the Allsees whose work is beyond our human comprehension, partly because it is…
Lords of the Mountain
Lords of the Mountain
Mountains are centers for immense positive energy and its distribution. As such, they often become the residence of beings known as Lords of the…
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