Featured Books

Writings by Flower A. Newhouse

Where to Begin?
Where to Begin?
Where to begin is a question often asked. Flower A. Newhouse regularly recommended her book, Songs of Deliverance, as a good place to start. We have…
Staff Picks
Staff Picks
The staff has some recommendations of publications that we are enjoying. These will change throughout the year as we are inspired. Check back often.…
Guest Sneak Peek
Guest Sneak Peek
Here are some sample publications to explore. If you would like to read more, just join our Seeker Supporters to have full access to this section.…
Lessons Series
Lessons Series
In the early years of establishing this ministry, Flower A. Newhouse was asked to offer practical lessons that students could read and practice. She…
Exploring Truth
Exploring Truth
Truth is a great adventure. One that we plunge into only to find it is ever pulling us forward. It has various depths and levels, moving us from…
Living the Life
Living the Life
Discipleship is key to our spiritual growth. It is where we make active all our ideals and truths that we study. In simple terms, Flower A. Newhouse…
Practical Tools
Practical Tools
We all appreciate a good tool to help us when there is work to be done. Our spiritual journey is no different. This section focuses on spiritual…
Inspired by Masters
Inspired by Masters
Through the conscious channelship of our founder Flower A. Newhouse, various Masters serving Christ and our development on this planet shared…
The topic most dear to Flower A. Newhouse’s heart was that of the Angel Kingdom. She has left the world some of the most detailed and enlightening…
Nature and Animals
Nature and Animals
Reverence for all life. The universal love of God flows through all forms of Creation. The section focuses on those volumes that help us understand…
Preparation for Holy Days
Preparation for Holy Days
There is great energy and spiritual baptisms that are flowing into this planet, particularly during spiritual festivals and Holy days. These books…
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