The Kingdom of the Angels

Bright Messengers of God

Rediscovering the Reality of Angels
Rediscovering the Reality of Angels
What inconceivable wonders encircle us in the higher dimensions of existence! Multitudes sing hosannas to the Pristine Spirit unendingly, while…
Insights into the Ways of Angels
Insights into the Ways of Angels
The energies, powers, and wonders of the higher dimensions of existence should be remembered frequently because most of the Good which awakens and…
Invisible Helpers: Human and Angelic
Invisible Helpers: Human and Angelic
There are two lines of evolution which contain beings who are interested in the needs of our mortal lives. These intelligences range all the way from…
Increasing Our Veneration of Angels
Increasing Our Veneration of Angels
If God gave the Angels charge over us, They're most certainly interested in our lives and our spiritual growth. Learning to be more aware of Their…
A Day with the Angels and Devas
A Day with the Angels and Devas
This journey begins early in the morning when something causes me to awaken just before the sun's rays touch the earth. There is a wonderful stillness…
Angel Sharing
Angel Sharing
Read and share Angel experiences with your community!…
A Closer Look at Archangels
A Closer Look at Archangels
If our Lord is said to use the voice of an Archangel, there must be something very worthy in these transcendently advanced beings. It points to the…
Angelic Pronunciation Guide
Angelic Pronunciation Guide
The following is a partial list of nature beings and angelic names and terms referred to in the Academy together with phonetic pronunciation guidance…
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